the PMHNP Podcast

Welcome to the ”PMHNPpodcast,” the definitive podcast for those passionate about mental health throughout every stage of life. Whether you’re an aspiring professional, a seasoned expert, or someone simply keen on understanding the intricate world of psychiatric care, you’re in the right place! Brought to you by Clarity Education Systems and

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Saturday Jun 15, 2024

Welcome to the PMHNP Podcast, where we delve into critical topics in mental health and substance use disorders. In this episode, we provide a comprehensive guide to Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). Join us as we explore the following key areas: Introduction to Medications Prescribed in the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder (OUD): Understanding the role of MAT in enhancing recovery outcomes for individuals with OUD. Understanding the Dopamine-Abuse Connection: Examining how dopamine secretion in the brain's reward system influences addiction and the cycle of substance abuse. Disparate Treatment of Substance Use Disorders (SUDs): Highlighting the biases and disparities in the treatment of SUDs compared to other chronic health conditions, and discussing strategies to address these issues. Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) for OUD: Overview of MAT, its benefits, and the importance of integrating it into treatment plans for OUD. Methadone for OUD: Detailed information on methadone, including dosing, patient characteristics, and the phases of treatment from induction to maintenance. Buprenorphine for OUD: Comprehensive discussion on buprenorphine, its advantages, disadvantages, and major drug-to-drug interactions. Naltrexone for OUD: Insight into naltrexone, its dosing, benefits, potential drawbacks, and necessary monitoring for adverse effects. Adjunctive Medications for OUD Treatment: Information on additional medications such as clonidine and promethazine that support the management of withdrawal symptoms and overall treatment. Summary: The Role of MAT in OUD Recovery: Emphasizing the critical role of MAT in improving recovery outcomes and the necessity of offering it to all patients diagnosed with OUD. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of MAT and its pivotal role in the treatment and recovery of individuals with Opioid Use Disorder. Whether you're a healthcare provider, a student, or someone interested in mental health and addiction treatment, this episode is packed with valuable insights and practical information. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more episodes of the PMHNP Podcast!
For help preparing for your PMHNP (ANCC or AANP) certification exam, go to
Clarity Education Systems and
Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: F7K06SPLOFRO3GNX

Wednesday May 15, 2024

The PMHNP Podcast: Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD): Screening and Treatment
Clarity Education Systems and
Dr. John Rossi, DNP, PMHNP-BC, CNP
Episode Description: Welcome to The PMHNP Podcast! In this comprehensive episode, we delve into the intricacies of Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), covering everything from the basics of alcohol and its effects on the brain to the most effective screening tools and treatment options available today. Find more topics and focused study points for the PMHNP certification exam at!
What is Alcohol? Discover the nature of alcohol, specifically ethanol, and understand how this psychoactive substance is produced through fermentation. Learn about its role as a central nervous system depressant and its widespread use as a recreational substance.
Why is Alcohol Abused? Explore the multifaceted reasons behind alcohol abuse, including genetic, psychological, social, and environmental factors. We discuss how social influences, stress relief, pleasurable effects, and addiction contribute to problematic drinking behaviors.
Brain Areas Affected by Alcohol: Gain insight into how alcohol impacts various brain regions, such as the cerebral cortex, limbic system, cerebellum, hypothalamus, and medulla.
Understand the roles of key neurotransmitters like GABA, glutamate, dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins in alcohol’s effects and addiction.
Differences in Alcohol Intoxication Between Men and Women: Learn about the differences in alcohol metabolism between men and women, influenced by body composition, enzymatic activity, and hormonal factors. Understand why women are more susceptible to alcohol-related damage even at lower levels of consumption.
DSM-5 Categorization of Drinking Disorders: We break down the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), criteria for diagnosing Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD).
Understand the continuum from mild to severe AUD and the 11 symptoms used for diagnosis.
Screening Tools for AUD: Discover the importance of early detection through evidence-based screening tools such as the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), the CAGE questionnaire, and the Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST). Learn how these tools help in identifying and categorizing the severity of AUD.
Treatment Options for Alcoholism: Explore a range of treatment options tailored to the severity of AUD, including detoxification and withdrawal management, medication-assisted treatment (MAT), behavioral therapies, support groups, and dual diagnosis treatment.
We discuss how psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners (PMHNPs) play a crucial role in managing and supporting these treatments.
Medications for AUD: Get detailed information on key medications used in the treatment of AUD, including acamprosate, disulfiram, and naltrexone.
Learn about their mechanisms of action, dosages, administration guidelines, and clinical considerations.
Join us for an in-depth discussion that will equip you with the knowledge to better understand, screen, and treat Alcohol Use Disorder effectively. Whether you're a healthcare professional or someone seeking to learn more about AUD, this episode is packed with valuable insights and practical information.
Subscribe and Listen: Don't miss out on this informative episode! Subscribe to The PMHNP Podcast on your favorite podcast platform and stay tuned for more expert insights and discussions on mental health and psychiatric care.
Clarity Education Systems and
Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: F7K06SPLOFRO3GNX

Wednesday Apr 10, 2024

In this episode of the PMHNP Podcast, we delve into the practical application of laboratory studies in psychiatric care. We aim to show you how these tests are not just ancillary tools but foundational elements that significantly enhance patient treatment outcomes. Here's what we cover: - Ensuring Accurate Diagnoses: Discover how baseline laboratory assessments are key in identifying underlying medical conditions that mimic or exacerbate psychiatric symptoms, ensuring accurate psychiatric diagnoses.
- Tailoring Treatment Plans: Learn about the importance of baseline assessments for safe medication administration, dosage optimization, and how they help in customizing treatment plans to each patient's unique needs.
- Monitoring for Side Effects: Understand the critical role of regular lab monitoring in the early detection of medication side effects, ensuring adherence to safety guidelines.
- Enhancing Treatment Efficacy: Explore how ongoing lab assessments offer insights into treatment effectiveness, allowing for timely adjustments and a more personalized care approach.
- Supporting Overall Health: We discuss the holistic approach in psychiatric care, emphasizing the interconnectedness of mental and physical health, and how lab assessments contribute to a comprehensive treatment strategy.
Our discussion also highlights the significance of specific laboratory tests such as CBC, thyroid function tests, liver and kidney function tests, and the need for therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) for certain medications like lithium and valproic acid. We delve into how these tests support the safe and effective management of psychiatric medications, helping to prevent potential side effects and toxicity. Moreover, we touch on the critical aspects of vitamin and mineral deficiencies, showing how these can influence mental health and the importance of maintaining a balanced level for optimal mental and overall health.
Join us as we unpack the complexities of laboratory studies in psychiatric care, emphasizing their integral role in diagnosing, managing, and optimizing treatment for mental health conditions. We recommend attending PMHNP review seminars for an in-depth exploration of all areas of laboratory studies.
Clarity Education Systems and
Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: F7K06SPLOFRO3GNX

Thursday Mar 28, 2024

Welcome back to the PMHNP Podcast, the go-to source for Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioners and mental health professionals aiming to expand their knowledge and skills in effective client engagement and behavioral change strategies while preparing for the ANCC and AANP PMHNP certification exams!
This episode will cover Motivational Interviewing (MI) and The Transtheoretical Model of Change. All this and more is available in our on-demand and in-person PMHNP reviews at
Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a counseling approach developed to facilitate and engage intrinsic motivation within the client to change behavior. MI is a client-centered, directive method for enhancing intrinsic motivation to change by exploring and resolving ambivalence. It emphasizes the collaborative relationship between the counselor and the client, focusing on the client's reasons for change within an atmosphere of acceptance and compassion. The technique involves careful listening and the provision of affirmations, reflective listening, and summary reflections. MI practitioners help clients articulate their desire to change, bolster their confidence, and commit to the change process, all while respecting the client's autonomy and pace.
The Transtheoretical Model of Change, also known as the Stages of Change Model, was developed by Prochaska and DiClemente in the late 1970s. It outlines five main stages through which individuals typically progress when making a change: pre-contemplation (not yet acknowledging that there is a problem behavior that needs to be changed), Contemplation (acknowledging the problem but not yet ready or sure of wanting to make a change), Preparation (getting ready to change), Action (changing behavior), and Maintenance (continuing the behavior change). The model suggests that individuals move through these stages at their own pace and may cycle through the stages several times before achieving sustained change. It highlights the importance of strategies and interventions tailored to the specific stages of change in which the individual is at any given time.
Integrating Motivational Interviewing and the Transtheoretical Model of Change provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and facilitating behavior change. By recognizing the client's current stage of change, a practitioner using MI techniques can more effectively guide the client toward readiness and commitment to change. This integration respects the client's pace and autonomy, making it a powerful approach to helping individuals overcome ambivalence and move through the stages of change toward their desired goals.

Friday Feb 16, 2024

Join us in this enlightening podcast episode as we delve deep into the world of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), tailored explicitly for Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioners (PMHNPs). SSRIs are a cornerstone in the treatment of various mental health disorders, and understanding their intricacies is paramount for providing effective patient care. In this episode, we explore the following key topics:
Citalopram (Celexa)
Escitalopram (Lexapro)
Fluoxetine (Prozac)
Fluvoxamine (Luvox)
Paroxetine (Paxil)
Sertraline (Zoloft)
Vilazodone (Viibryd)
Classification Details: We break down the classification of SSRIs, discussing their place within the broader category of antidepressants and their unique pharmacological profile.
Mechanisms of Action: Gain insights into how SSRIs work on a neurochemical level, inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin and modulating neurotransmitter levels in the brain to alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other disorders.
Metabolism: Understand the metabolic pathways of SSRIs, including hepatic metabolism via cytochrome P450 enzymes and implications for drug interactions and individual response variability.
Side Effects: Explore the spectrum of side effects associated with SSRIs, ranging from common gastrointestinal disturbances and sexual dysfunction to less common but potentially severe adverse reactions like serotonin syndrome and QT prolongation.
Prescribing for Special Populations: Learn about considerations for prescribing SSRIs in special populations, including geriatric patients, pregnant and breastfeeding individuals, children and adolescents, and those with comorbid medical conditions.
Monitoring and Management: Discover best practices for monitoring patients on SSRIs, including regular assessment of symptom improvement, evaluation of side effects, and strategies for managing treatment-resistant cases.
Patient Education and Counseling: Explore practical strategies for educating patients about SSRIs, including discussing potential side effects, adherence to treatment regimens, and addressing any concerns or misconceptions. Clinical
Whether you're a seasoned PMHNP looking to deepen your understanding of SSRIs or a novice practitioner eager to expand your knowledge base, this podcast offers invaluable insights to enhance your clinical practice and optimize patient outcomes.
Please find out more about our PMHNP certification review programs at

Monday Jan 15, 2024

In this enlightening episode of our nursing-focused podcast, we delve into the newly introduced Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) certification exam by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board (AANPCB). Aspiring PMHNPs and healthcare professionals, get ready to gain a comprehensive understanding of this pivotal exam that is set to shape the future of psychiatric nursing.
We start by discussing the key details of the exam, including its launch timeline - with applications opening in January 2024 and testing appointments commencing in spring 2024. Our discussion then navigates through the structure and format of the exam, highlighting the total number of questions, the unique role of pretest questions, and the scoring methodology.
The core of our episode focuses on the four main domains of the exam – Assess, Diagnose, Plan, and Evaluate. We meticulously break down each domain, exploring the range of tasks and skills that are assessed. Additionally, we talk about the distribution of questions across various patient age categories, from infants to older adults, emphasizing the exam's comprehensive approach to psychiatric mental health across the lifespan.
Furthermore, we dive into the diverse knowledge areas covered in the exam, including pharmacology, nonpharmacological therapies, psychotherapies, and professional roles. This provides a clear picture of the exam's expectations and helps listeners understand the breadth and depth of knowledge required.
Our episode also compares the new AANPCB PMHNP exam with the existing ANCC version, discussing the differences and similarities between the two. This comparison aims to assist listeners in making an informed decision about which exam aligns best with their career goals and professional development.
Finally, we wrap up by offering insights and tips on how to prepare for the exam, including study strategies and resources. Whether you're a nurse practitioner looking to specialize in psychiatric mental health or a student planning your career path, this episode is an invaluable resource to help you navigate the new AANPCB PMHNP certification exam with confidence and clarity.
Join us in this informative journey to explore the nuances of the AANPCB PMHNP exam and gear up for success in your professional nursing career!

Saturday Nov 18, 2023

In this enlightening episode of the PMHNP Podcast we delve deep into the intricacies of the three levels of prevention in mental healthcare: primary, secondary, and tertiary. Join us as we navigate through these pivotal stages with Dr. John Rossi, Board Certified Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) and lead instructor/content creator with Clarity Education Systems and
Key Segments:
Introduction to Prevention Levels: We kick off with a foundational overview of the three levels of prevention. Understand the significance of each stage in promoting mental health and preventing mental illness.
Primary Prevention - Building Resilience: Discover how primary prevention strategies are implemented to avert the onset of mental health disorders.
Secondary Prevention - Early Detection and Intervention: Dr. Rossi sheds light on the importance of early identification of mental health issues. Learn about the role of screening tools, the significance of early intervention, and real-life examples of successful secondary prevention programs.
Tertiary Prevention - Managing Chronic Conditions: Delve into the world of tertiary prevention, where the focus shifts to managing established mental health conditions. Explore the challenges and rewards of long-term treatment plans, rehabilitation, and improving the quality of life for individuals with chronic mental illnesses.
Episode Conclusion: This episode promises to be an invaluable resource for PMHNPs, mental health professionals, students, and anyone interested in understanding the comprehensive approach to prevention in mental healthcare. Tune in for an engaging and informative session that highlights the importance of a multi-tiered approach to mental health and wellness.

Sunday Nov 05, 2023

Join us on "Culturally Attuned Caregiving," where we delve deep into the realm of culturally competent care through the insightful lens of a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP). We journey into the heart of patient-centered care, underscored by an unwavering respect for the diverse cultural tapestry that each patient presents. Our podcast is designed for healthcare professionals, students, and anyone interested in the mental health field, aiming to enlighten, educate, and inspire practitioners to cultivate a more inclusive and empathetic approach to care. Our host, an experienced PMHNP, brings firsthand accounts from the front lines of mental health care, offering strategies, stories, and practical advice on providing effective treatment while navigating the complexities of various cultural backgrounds. In this podcast, you can expect to explore: The Foundations of Cultural Competence: Understand the key components of cultural competence and why it is essential in healthcare, particularly in mental health services. Policy and Ethics: Discussions on the ethical implications of cultural competency and the policies that shape equitable mental health care provision. Personal Growth and Self-Reflection: Encouraging PMHNPs and other listeners to reflect on their own cultural biases and to engage in continuous personal growth to serve their patients better. Through engaging dialogue and shared expertise, "Culturally Attuned Caregiving" aims to build a community of mental health professionals dedicated to embracing cultural diversity and fostering an environment where all patients feel understood, respected, and valued. Tune in to transform your practice and ensure that every individual receives the compassionate and personalized care they deserve. This series is primarily designed to help PMHNPs prepare for and pass the ANCC PMHNP certification exam. To find out more about out In-person and On-demand PMHNP reviews, please visit

Saturday Oct 14, 2023

Welcome to the PMHNP Podcast - your go-to podcast designed exclusively for students gearing up for their Psychiatric-Mental Health Medication Prescriber (PMHMP) certification exam or anyone within the mental health profession. 
🧠 Dive Deep into Evidence-based Care: Discover the pragmatic applications of research findings, clinical expertise, and patient values in tailoring optimal psychiatric care.
📊 Unlock the World of Health Statistics: Grasp the fundamentals and complexities of statistical data in healthcare research with easy-to-digest explanations, ideal for students stepping into the realm of psychiatric research and practice. From understanding variables and p-values, to decoding the relevance of various research methodologies – acquire the statistical acumen needed to critically appraise research and leverage findings in clinical practice.
📘 Exam-Centric Approach: Tailored to align with PMHMP certification exam requisites, each episode is crafted to not just enhance your knowledge, but also to strategically guide your exam preparation.
Follow us on Facebook to receive access to a PDF document explaining how to calculate many of the formulas used in this Podcast:

Saturday Oct 07, 2023

Welcome back to the PMHNP Podcast! In this episode, we talk about the cultural competence and care related to the LGBTQ+ population. This episode will help new nurse practitioners prepare for their certification exam as well as establish clinical practice roadmaps for those already practicing. In this episode, we discuss: - Understanding of LGBTQ+ Terminology and Concepts - Cultural Competence - Affirmative Therapy Principles and others - Assessing and Addressing Mental Health Disparities - Hormonal and Medical Considerations - Addressing Minority Stress - Navigating Coming Out - Trauma-Informed Care - Supporting Sexual Health - Interdisciplinary Collaboration - Continuing Education - And more!


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